Halloween Family Friendly Trivia

My brother-in-law LOVES trivia nights. Sometimes we will go along to a bar to give it our best but a lot of times it’s our game nights with friends at one of our houses that end up the most competitive. With Halloween right around the corner I wanted to give everyone a fun family friendly Halloween trivia game to play together. Prepare for 3 rounds covering everything from ghoultastic movies, alluring history, and sugary treats! I hope you enjoy playing as much as we did in testing these questions out.

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Easy DIY Puffed Design Pumpkins

Dropping in with some GREAT news, puffy paint still exists! Not only does it exist but I’m here to say, it’s as good as I remember (if not better). The last time I remember using puffy paint was when I was a kid making flower designs on cheap t-shirts! Using the puffy paint does have me feeling nostalgic about the fun crafts I did growing up. The feeling of throwbacks is only heightened by the clothes in stores being the same as what I shopped for in the 90’s?!

As we are coming closer to Halloween, I think this would be really fun craft for decorating pumpkins with kids! Have fun making it your own take on my version too! Instead of doing a monotone pumpkin like mine where I painted the pumpkin and puffy paint at the same time, try painting the pumpkin first and using a different color of puffy paint to make it stand out more. The links to the products I used are below.

Have you tried puffy paint recently? If so, comment below with what project you used it on.

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Neon Halloween Pumpkin Wreath

I like summer but I love fall most of all. The crispy colorful leaves on sidewalks, cozy sweaters, football season, and pumpkin EVERYTHING forever has a hold on my heart. With stores full of autumn or Halloween decorations and supplies, I felt inspired to make a colorful pumpkin wreath. I played around with the idea of more muted colors but decided instead on bold neon’s with hints of black. Plus a neon pumpkin wreath works with my Halloween vibes. By my Halloween vibes I mean nothing scary – only cute!

Check out below for instructions on how I made this pumpkin wreath along with links to supplies from Michaels Crafts.

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At Home Movie Themed Night

I love a good movie night with my husband but add decorations, snacks/food and it becomes one of my favorite type of date nights! One of the best things about it is I’m able to get creative with the food served and of course how the food is named to match the setting. Whether you are planning a date night or a movie night with friends, check out the below three tips for planning the night.

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Colorful Bunny Easter Decoration

It is springtime and almost Easter where you would expect rain and maybe a little sunshine. Where we live though, it has decided winter has not yet been long enough and we again got another snowstorm all day today! We are craving sunshine, spring fever is very real haha. Thankfully we have a new machine to play with that keeps us indoors and busy.

This project is a quick Easter decoration that we used our new machine to test settings out. I am loving how it turned out with its bright, Peep treat colors! I went with the bright pink, my mom went with the bright blue and both of us are considering making a few more to add the other’s and yellow to the mix! To top it off we even used a Pearl finish to get that cute fluffy tail to stand out even with the brightly colored bunny background.

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Our Pup is 8, Let’s Eat Cake!

Happy Birthday to our sweet doggo! This last weekend we celebrated our pups eighth birthday at our house with all of our families. Our tradition with her birthdays are to make a layered meat cake with mashed sweet potato frosting and some sort of a cupcake for the humans that come to the party. We always joke that she is more human than dog because she gets so excited when we have visitors and she will dive into the gift bag to see what she received! It is the cutest thing!

Check out how I made the cake below!

Continue reading “Our Pup is 8, Let’s Eat Cake!”

I Love You A Latte – Valentines Wreath

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope all of you are feeling the love today whether it’s from a significant other, some close friends, or showing yourself a little self-love (maybe a facial or a cupcake from that little shop around the corner are a few suggestions). A little cup of warmth and love I give myself in the morning is coffee. It’s no surprise for anyone that’s been here for a while that I am a coffee enthusiast – I will drink everything from a cup of joe boiled over a campfire in a percolator to the grande iced caramel macchiato at Starbucks. For me, the taste of coffee reminds me of waking up as a kid and smelling the fresh pot my dad had made for himself. It reminds me of going to a late football games in college and drinking so much coffee beforehand to make sure I stayed up that I’m pretty sure it was an all nighter from the caffeine (and game) buzz. Coffee is a comfort to me in a very similar way that crafting comforts me. It gives me a chance to feel relief from any current stresses and for a few minutes be in my own little Zen place.

One of my favorite projects to do of all times is to make wreaths. I love them because no matter what, I feel like every wreath is different even by a little giving them each a unique character. For Valentines this year I wanted to couple coffee with love in a fun and whimsical wreath. I’m excited to show off the end results below. Let me know how you like your coffee in the comments below!

LOVE – Large Scrabble Decoration

In scrabble, PASSION is worth 9 points, FOREVER is worth 13 points, and LOVE is worth only 7 points. In life, love is worth all of the points though! Thanks for letting me be cheesy there for a minute, I couldn’t help myself! Scrabble is such a fun game to play and the tiles have inspired countless creators to make signs, represent family trees, and even make a giant version of the game for outdoors. Spoiler: I googled it, the oversized game exists and is now added as a project I want for the summer.

It feels like it has been around forever but it was created by an out of work architect during the Great Depression – Alfred Mosher Butts. It started out with different names but they settled on the name Scrabble. It means to grasp, collect or hold onto something which is fitting for the game. Before I keep collecting words (the puns keep coming) on this post, check out more of the history on scrabble here. Even better, check out how I made this scrabble decoration below!

Continue reading “LOVE – Large Scrabble Decoration”

Oversized Wooden Candy Hearts

The season of love is fast approaching – the endcaps in the stores are starting to turn shades of reds and pinks while the smell of chocolate and roses linger in the air. One of my favorite movements recently around Valentine’s Day is not only a romantic love focus but a focus on love of all types. Everyone in your life from friends, family, and your partner are all part of who you can express love to this February. One of the classic treats around Valentines that can help with those different love expressions are the Brachs Candy Hearts. If you want to see another candy heart project with a little history on the sweethearts included – check out this sweethearts wreath post.

Catchy phrases ranging from “KISS ME” to “TTYL” all inspire decorations (and treats) this Valentines. But wait… while looking at the Brach’s website to pick what the hearts will say, I found that they have a “wisecracks” product. They are a sassier version of candy hearts with phrases like “FRND ZONE”, “Salty”, and “SHH”. YES PLEASE! I am already brainstorming a fun way to incorporate the sayings into a decoration or the candy itself into a treat. If you have a preference on a wisecracking candy heart decoration or treat, comment below!

Continue reading “Oversized Wooden Candy Hearts”

Books Read Recap of 2022

Is there a better way to unwind from a hectic day then to cozy up with a good book under a warm blanket? As I write this I am daydreaming about that point in my evening after this busy day at work. Last year I set a goal to finish at least one book a month. Now that doesn’t sound like much for someone that enjoys reading as much as I do. However, what it was really aimed towards in my case was prioritizing my self care through the year. Often times I would be exhausted from the day and just crash in bed, but where is taking that extra time to relax and do something enjoyable for me?

I am happy to report I did read at least one book a month, in fact in total for the year I read fourteen books. I even finished another three days into this year! If you are interested, check out below for a list of the books I read last year (and the one I finished right at the beginning of this year). Comment below with one you are interested in reading next or maybe your favorite book read last year!

2022 Books Read – Not pictured are books lent to family/friends
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